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Curriculum Information

In English this term our writing will be centred around the film clips 'Spy Fox' and 'Taking Flight'. 

In Maths our focus is on Mass and Capacity, Fractions and Money. Please try and encourage your child to log onto TTRS at home to help improve their recall of times tables facts. 

Our text in Guided Reading is 'Toto the Ninja Cat and the Great Snake Escape.'  

In Art we will looking at Monet and his landscapes using pencils and pastels to create our own landscape picture. 

In History we are learning about the Romans and what they left behind in Britain. 

In RE we are exploring the religion Hinduism. 

In Music we will be learning to play the recorder and play the song 'Bringing us together'

In Science we are learning about magnets and the forces around us such a friction.  

In French we will be learning to name classroom objects. 

In computing we are using desktop publishing programmes such Canva and Publisher. 

In PSHE we are exploring relationships and how to resolve conflict. 


Please try and support your child at home by having a go at our topic take away homework for the term. There are lots of great activities you could enjoy together.